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Mid-Year Review: Assessing and Adjusting Your Community Management Strategy

As we reach the midpoint of the year, it’s the perfect time to take stock of our community management efforts. A mid-year review is essential for evaluating our progress, identifying areas for improvement, and refining our strategies to ensure we meet our goals for the second half of the year. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you assess and adjust your community management strategy effectively.

1. Conduct a Performance Review

Start by analyzing the key performance indicators (KPIs) you set at the beginning of the year. These may include metrics such as:

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Bringing Community Together

In a world that sometimes feels disconnected, the importance of community cannot be overstated. Community associations play a vital role in creating and maintaining a sense of belonging and togetherness among residents. These associations have the power to transform neighborhoods into vibrant hubs of interaction, support, and shared experiences. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through organizing engaging activities that bring people together. Let's explore some activities that community associations can host to foster a sense of community:

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A Collective Experience

Living in an association is more than just sharing a physical space; it's about cultivating a sense of belonging and connection with your neighbors. While individual units may be separate, the collective experience of a thriving community enhances the overall quality of condo living.

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A Manager's Perspective on New Year's Resolutions for Boards of Directors

With the start of a new year, now is the perfect time for managers to guide and assist their Boards with making sure 2024 is a successful year and full of accomplishments.  The question is, what steps can be taken to bring this to fruition?

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How to Reach a Quorum Through Proxies

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Annual and special meetings require homeowner votes for new board members, assessment increases, capital improvement projects, and amendments to the association’s governing documents. The goal is to reach a quorum—a minimum number of members who must be present for business to be validly transacted.

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Social Media Platforms for Associations

There are many different social media platforms that may be utilized by community associations; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few. Before jumping in, take some time to consult legal counsel, and develop a strategy. Know the good, the bad and yes, even the ugly!

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Managing Mental Health

These past several years have been indescribably stressful for everyone. Economic concerns after a year’s long pandemic, lack of socialization, mask-wearing, and general fear and anxiety have only increased the slow erosion of kindness and empathy we have seen devolve over the past few years. 

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History of Community Associations

Community Associations are wonderful organizations benefiting millions of US residents every day. There are countless benefits to living in community associations. One of the beautiful things about people is that we have figured out that banding together in communities is generally beneficial offering clean, cohesive neighborhoods oftentimes with amenities such as parks and pools, further encouraging the idea of community. These inherent benefits have association living on the rise, providing homes for nearly 1 in 5 Americans. But where did it all start?

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How to Crush the M-100 (Or Any Other Course)

If you’re intimidated about taking a Community Associations Institute test because the other students in your class look like they are fresh out of college, fear not! You can boost your confidence by developing your study skills!

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How to Avoid Burnout

Burnout is more than just stress—it’s how your mind and your body tell you a change is needed. Do you find yourself withdrawing from work and caring less about results? Are you working harder, often mechanically or to the point of exhaustion? Just going through the motions? Try a few of these tips for keeping burnout at bay.

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What's Your Annual Plan?

What’s your annual plan?

As we begin another year, it’s important for associations and their business partners to have a clear understanding of what the coming year will look like. What are our goals? What strategies will we use to reach those goals? Did we meet the goals we had for the past year? Without a mechanism in place like an annual plan, it’s almost impossible for an association or business to know where they’ve been and where they’re going. The inclusion of an annual plan can help take the guesswork out of the process.

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Your Community Needs You! A Call to Service

Over the many years I have been practicing in the community association law field I have seen and dealt with many boards of directors.  In doing so I have seen considerable variation in the level of interest and commitment of community members to serve on the board of directors. Some communities have the assistance of professional management companies and others are self-managed.  While a community may have professional management, it is the board of directors that is given the power and responsibility in the governing documents to operate the community.  Regardless of the type of management, a group of homeowners actively participating on the board and on committees is essential for the successful functioning of the association. 

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Toxic Neighbors, and the Association's Role When Anger Strikes

Neighbor to neighbor disputes seem to be at an all-time high right now. Many times, the neighbors are trying to bring the Association into these battles. In order to best utilize the Association’s assets, Boards and managers must recognize when it is appropriate for the Association to engage, and when to stay out of the conflict.

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Time Management...Is It Really That Easy?

Finding a strategy for time management depends on your level of self-discipline and most importantly your personality. If you incorporate some or all of the strategies, you can manage your time more effectively.  You may wish for more time, but you only get 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds each day.  How you use this time will depend on the skills you have learned.

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Unique Aspects of High-Rise Management

Within the world of condominium management, effectively managing high-rise buildings presents its own set of challenges. Below are a few of the major differences managers of high-rise communities face on a daily basis.

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Proactive Association Management

Are you managing the association or are you allowing the association to manage you? We all want to be proactive managers but what does that entail and how do you deal with all the items that creep into the day preventing you from dealing with the tasks that you planned to accomplish?

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