Member Spotlight: Jessica Simpkiss

How long have you been affiliated with the SEVA Chapter?
Just over 1 year

In what capacity are you involved with community associations?
I am a community manager working with myStreet Community Management.

Did you choose the career path, or did it choose you?
It definitely chose me. I wasn't even aware that this industry existed until I stumbled into community management after working in the mortgage and real estate industry for several years.

What do you enjoy most about our industry or why?
I enjoy the fast paced nature of the industry and thrive in the chaotic environment of association management. I also enjoy being able to get out of the office for inspections and meetings. No two days are exactly alike in this industry, so it keeps you on your toes.

Describe the most interesting coworker you've worked with.
The most interesting coworker would have to be a previous boss who I worked for in Florida when I was just entering the adult world. I started working for him in an admin type role for a mortgage company and after 9 years together we had started a second mortgage company, a real estate company, and a bike and scooter rental company. I never knew what crazy idea was coming next, but it was always fun!

Where did you grow up?
I grew up all up and down the east coast: Maryland, Florida and Virginia mostly.

What are your hobbies?
I enjoy reading suspense novels and watching true crime TV. My family loves to hike and camp.

Name one item on your bucket list and explain why it's on the list.
One thing on my bucket list is to RV from Colorado to Montana, stopping at every National Park along the way.

A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amounts of one items. What is it and why?
Time. There is never enough time.

What is your favorite season?

What is the best advice you have ever received? How has this advice helped you?
The best advice I have received would be to consider how much a decision or situation will matter to me 10 years from now. Looking at life in this way helps me determine how much time and energy I expend or should expend on something now.

What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I am a published fiction author, writing in the suspense/thriller genre.

Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
Anything and everything true crime, and Outlander.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter your field?
Don't take things personally. You're going to have to deal with lots of big personalities as a community manager. Sometimes we get yelled at. The sooner you realize that they aren't really yelling at you, the better equipped you'll be to handle those situations calmly.

If you could have any superhero power, what would it be any why?
I think I would choose the ability to fly. It just seems like it would be so cool! And no more traffic; what could be better than that?

Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?
100 duck sized horses.

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past? Why?
I would travel to the past. I feel like the past was a simpler time.

If you woke up to 5,000 unread emails and only had time to answer 100, how would you choose which ones to answer?
I'd answer the emails in which identifying information (address, community) were provided in the email.

Are you a cat or a dog person?

Tell us your best joke.
What did the jellyfish say to his twin brother?
"We're itentical"

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