This month, the CAI Board of Trustees approved filing a lawsuit to exempt and protect community associations from burdensome requirements outlined in the Corporate Transparency Act. The suit challenging the U.S. Department of Treasury’s restrictive obligations underscores CAI’s unwavering commitment to protecting the community association housing model and its members’ interests.
CAI firmly believes the act’s requirements place an excessive burden on community associations, which operate differently from traditional corporations and small businesses. The lawsuit is expected to be filed this summer. Your involvement and support are crucial as we navigate this legal challenge. Here are several ways you can get involved:
Stay Informed. Visit the dedicated webpage for real-time updates on the lawsuit and related developments. CAI will regularly post news and updates to keep members informed on progress in the case.
Join Advocacy Efforts. Reach out to your local representatives and express support for CAI’s position surrounding the act’s requirements. Your voice can make a significant impact.
Community Discussions. Participate in CAI-led online forums and webinars to discuss the lawsuit’s implications and gather member feedback. Your insights and experiences are invaluable.
Spread the Word. Share information about the lawsuit and its impact with your network and community stakeholders. Increased awareness will help build broader support for the case.
CAI is committed to keeping members informed about the suit. Regular updates will be provided through the website, emails, and special briefings. Together, CAI will continue to protect the best interests of community associations and work to generate a fair and reasonable resolution.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement.